Thursday, September 1, 2011

We have arrived in Nova Scotia

Some of the group arrived in Halifax yesterday afternoon (Wednesday) after spending a long day travelling. Hilary and Mick left home at 6.15am to travel to the airport at Aberdeen.  They flew from Dyce to Heathrow then onto Halifax in Nova Scotia. Watches have been moved back by 4 hours.  It was absolutely wonderful to arrive at the airport in Halifax where the sun was shining and the temperature was around 22C, having left Aberdeen that morning to a dull, cold 10C.  Have I taken the wrong clothes with me?
The Titanic still afloat in the Park
Last night Bill and Meriel, Jack and Sonia, Hilary and Mick had a lovely meal of fish and chips, before having an early night. Looking at our programme for the fortnight, it would appear that we will be given every opportunity to try out the local products especially the fish and shell fish.

John and Peter have still to arrive in Nova Scotia - arriving tonight I think (Thursday)

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